30-11-2023 07:00
11...29-11-2023 07:00
据报道,明尼苏达州总检察长称,因乔治-弗洛伊德之死而被定罪的前明尼阿波利斯警官德里克-乔文(Derek...28-11-2023 15:00
津巴布韦霍乱病例激增,本周已超过...28-11-2023 07:00
在英国雷丁,一场高耸的大火吞噬了车站山建筑工地,危及一名被困工人。...27-11-2023 15:00
也门胡塞武装分子公布了一段录像,显示武装人员从直升机上跳下,在红海劫持了一艘货船。...24-11-2023 15:00
冬季来临,气温下降,这给被巴基斯坦驱逐的阿富汗难民带来了极大的担忧。...24-11-2023 07:00
阿根廷以...23-11-2023 15:00
一个载有...23-11-2023 07:00
泰勒-斯威夫特(Taylor...22-11-2023 07:00
SpaceX公司为月球和星际旅行设计的...How to improve your Chinese with Chinese in Levels:
- Read two news articles every day.
- Read the news articles from the day before and check if you remember all new words.
- Listen to the news from today and read the text at the same time.
- Listen to the news from today without reading the text.
- Answer the question under today’s news and write the answer in the comments.