28-09-2023 07:00
菲律宾对中国海岸警卫队在南海部分海域设置浮动屏障感到不满。...27-09-2023 07:00
两架洛克希德-马丁公司的...26-09-2023 15:00
沙特王储说,如果伊朗制造出核武器,沙特也会想要。...26-09-2023 07:00
巴西最高法院就土著土地权做出了一项重要裁决。...22-09-2023 07:00
2023...21-09-2023 07:00
尼日利亚的年通货膨胀率在...19-09-2023 07:00
西雅图警方提供的车载摄像头录像显示,警官丹尼尔-奥德雷尔(Daniel...15-09-2023 15:00
墨西哥的工业园区和仓库运营商需要大量电力来满足不断增长的业务需求。他们希望自己出资建造太阳能电池板,但政府控制着能源部门。...15-09-2023 07:00
技术娴熟的洞穴探险家马克-迪基(Mark...14-09-2023 07:00
日本担心太多游客前往圣地富士山会造成影响。...How to improve your Chinese with Chinese in Levels:
- Read two news articles every day.
- Read the news articles from the day before and check if you remember all new words.
- Listen to the news from today and read the text at the same time.
- Listen to the news from today without reading the text.
- Answer the question under today’s news and write the answer in the comments.