28-08-2023 15:00
一段名为...28-08-2023 07:00
印度实现了一个历史性的里程碑,成功地让月球任务在月球南极地区着陆。...25-08-2023 15:00
在英国的乐高乐园里,人们建造了有史以来最大的乐高星球大战模型之一–它由...25-08-2023 07:00
在巴基斯坦西北部,一辆缆车被困在数百米高的峡谷中,八人获救。...24-08-2023 15:00
传统上,人们在牛皮纸(一种动物皮)上书写英国法律。现在,上议院在是坚持这一传统还是寻求更便宜的选择上出现了分歧。...24-08-2023 07:00
俄罗斯47年来首次月球任务...23-08-2023 15:00
在新的研究中,科学家们向马展示了人类脸部的照片,他们发现马可以区分愤怒和快乐的脸,并做出相应的反应。...23-08-2023 07:00
将于明年竣工的华沙中央广场的建设工程揭示了被掩埋的老街道遗迹,揭开了波兰首都的过去。...22-08-2023 15:00
在韩国一家水族馆,游客们惊奇地看着一条鲨鱼在水箱里游来游去,嘴里还叼着另一条鲨鱼的尾巴。...22-08-2023 07:00
33岁的英国护士露西-莱特比(Lucy...What is Level 3
Level 3 is for advanced students. It is not simple Chinese anymore as in Level 1 and Level 2. In this level, we use 3000 most important words in spoken Chinese. We write every word which is from a higher level in bold type. When you practise reading and listening at this level every day, sooner or later you can know 3000 most important words in Chinese and you can be able to understand native speakers.
How to improve your Chinese with Chinese in Levels:
- Read two news articles every day.
- Read the news articles from the day before and check if you remember all new words.
- Listen to the news from today and read the text at the same time.
- Listen to the news from today without reading the text.
- Answer the question under today’s news and write the answer in the comments.