03-04-2023 07:00
加蓬是世界上最大的完整雨林之一的所在地。然而,在今天的金融市场上,它的树木死了比活着更有价值。该国希望通过出售碳信用额来兑现其努力。...31-03-2023 15:00
一名警察和一名抗议者在反对在法国西部建造农场灌溉水库的未经授权的示威活动中受重伤。...31-03-2023 07:00
周六,俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔-普京说,他将在乌克兰的邻国白俄罗斯部署战术核武器。这是自13个月前开始入侵乌克兰以来,俄罗斯最明显的核信号之一。...30-03-2023 15:00
澳大利亚立法者杰里米-白金汉(Jeremy...30-03-2023 07:00
欧洲的冬季已经结束;然而,一些国家已经在为来年做准备。...29-03-2023 15:00
在美国密苏里州,Xavier...29-03-2023 07:00
尽管有负面的含义,但现代替代学校提供了各种好处。...24-03-2023 15:00
由世界上最有价值的创业公司–中国公司ByteDance开发的流行社交媒体应用程序TikTok已在多个国家被禁止。...24-03-2023 07:00
任何渴望成为自己城堡的女王或国王的人都不需要再去看苏格兰了。在这里,童话是非常现实的,每年大约有10处房产提供。...23-03-2023 15:00
一辆运载液体巧克力的卡车翻车后,由于它用12吨巧克力覆盖了6条车道,因此封锁了波兰的一条高速公路。卡车司机因手臂骨折去了医院,但没有其他人在这场怪事中受伤。...What is Level 3
Level 3 is for advanced students. It is not simple Chinese anymore as in Level 1 and Level 2. In this level, we use 3000 most important words in spoken Chinese. We write every word which is from a higher level in bold type. When you practise reading and listening at this level every day, sooner or later you can know 3000 most important words in Chinese and you can be able to understand native speakers.
How to improve your Chinese with Chinese in Levels:
- Read two news articles every day.
- Read the news articles from the day before and check if you remember all new words.
- Listen to the news from today and read the text at the same time.
- Listen to the news from today without reading the text.
- Answer the question under today’s news and write the answer in the comments.