19-02-2025 07:00
迷你世界(Minion...08-01-2025 07:00
青少年癌症信托基金会正在帮助患有癌症的青少年。在英国,每天都有七名...07-01-2025 15:00
巴拿马正在庆祝拥有巴拿马运河...07-01-2025 07:00
10...06-01-2025 15:00
德国说,埃隆-马斯克试图改变他们的选举。埃隆-马斯克是社交媒体平台...06-01-2025 07:00
在南加州,除夕夜的烟花爆竹引发了问题。...03-01-2025 15:00
诺如病毒正在使美国人生病。现在的病例比往常更多。一周内就有...03-01-2025 07:00
世界各地的人们都在庆祝新年。...02-01-2022 15:00
这则新闻是关于一只乌龟的。它的龟壳骨折了。人们发现了这只乌龟。他们想帮助它。他们给乌龟做了一个特殊的轮椅。轮椅是用乐高积木做的。乌龟可以正常活动了。它的龟壳也能更好地愈合。...02-01-2025 07:00
不要扔掉您的圣诞树!您可以把它送给山羊。...01-01-2025 15:00
庞乔是一只警犬。它来自马德里。它今年八岁。它是一只非常优秀的警犬。它在警犬表演中表演。人们特别喜欢它会做心肺复苏术。...LEARN 3000 WORDS with CHINESE IN LEVELS
Chinese in Levels is designed to teach you 3000 words in Chinese. Please follow the instructions
How to improve your Chinese with Chinese in Levels:

- Read two news articles every day.
- Read the news articles from the day before and check if you remember all new words.

- Listen to the news from today and read the text at the same time.
- Listen to the news from today without reading the text.

- Answer the question under today’s news and write the answer in the comments.