12-02-2024 07:00
七届一级方程式世界冠军刘易斯-汉密尔顿(Lewis...09-02-2024 15:00
纳米比亚领导人哈格-根哥布去世。南戈洛-姆本巴接任。但这只是短暂的。...09-02-2024 15:00
哈格-根哥布总统去世后,南戈洛-姆本巴成为纳米比亚临时总统。姆本巴说,他不会参加选举,因为他希望成为一名校长。...09-02-2024 15:00
哈格-根哥布总统逝世后,南戈洛-姆本巴就任纳米比亚临时总统。...09-02-2024 07:00
俄罗斯宇航员奥列格-科诺年科打破了一项纪录。他在太空中度过的时间最长。...09-02-2024 07:00
俄罗斯宇航员奥列格-科诺年科(Oleg...09-02-2024 07:00
俄罗斯宇航员奥列格-科诺年科(Oleg...08-02-2024 15:00
阑尾在我们的肚子里。它看起来像一根小管子。它紧挨着大肠。大肠从食物中获取水分。它将剩余的食物排出体外。...08-02-2024 15:00
阑尾是我们下腹部的一根小管。它位于右侧,与大肠相连。大肠从食物中获取水分,并将剩余的食物排出体外。...08-02-2024 15:00
人体的阑尾是连接大肠的小管道,位于腹部右下方。...How to improve your Chinese with Chinese in Levels:
- Read two news articles every day.
- Read the news articles from the day before and check if you remember all new words.
- Listen to the news from today and read the text at the same time.
- Listen to the news from today without reading the text.
- Answer the question under today’s news and write the answer in the comments.