30-05-2024 07:00
德国一家公司用废水酿制啤酒...29-05-2024 07:00
欢迎来到玫瑰油之乡。保加利亚是玫瑰油的主要生产国,人们在许多产品和化妆品中使用玫瑰油。...28-05-2024 07:00
罗马名胜下的新地铁线修建难度很大。该地铁线将穿过斗兽场和其他历史遗迹。...17-05-2024 15:00
关于超加工食品(UPF)及其对健康的影响,人们争论不休。...02-05-2024 07:00
TikTok...24-04-2024 15:00
从...23-04-2024 07:00
2024...19-04-2024 07:00
首尔的乘客正在使用世界上第一辆无人驾驶夜间公交车。...18-04-2024 15:00
在日本首都东京,所谓的微型公寓是年轻人喜欢居住的地方。...18-04-2024 07:00
威廉-巴克兰是英国著名科学家。19...How to improve your Chinese with Chinese in Levels:
- Read two news articles every day.
- Read the news articles from the day before and check if you remember all new words.
- Listen to the news from today and read the text at the same time.
- Listen to the news from today without reading the text.
- Answer the question under today’s news and write the answer in the comments.