09-01-2024 07:00
斯坦利杯,尤其是限量版的斯坦利杯,已变得非常抢手,转手就能卖到数百美元。...08-01-2024 15:00
96...08-01-2024 07:00
在美国各地,预计不会下雪的天气给依赖冬季的企业带来了挑战。...05-01-2024 15:00
丹麦女王玛格丽特二世在登基...05-01-2024 07:00
日本航空公司一架空客...04-01-2024 15:00
许多人都喜欢选美,立陶宛也不例外,但立陶宛的一个小村庄却为山羊而不是人举办选美。...04-01-2024 07:00
缅因州最高选举官员、州务卿申娜-贝洛斯(Shenna...03-01-2024 15:00
在纽约举行的...03-01-2024 07:00
在与乌克兰的持续战争和保守的社会议程中,一场名人派对引发了俄罗斯官方的反弹,参加者包括一名只穿着袜子的说唱歌手。...02-01-2024 15:00
上海的知名地标在年末假期消失在浓雾背后,引起了人们对潜在交通中断的担忧。...What is Level 3
Level 3 is for advanced students. It is not simple Chinese anymore as in Level 1 and Level 2. In this level, we use 3000 most important words in spoken Chinese. We write every word which is from a higher level in bold type. When you practise reading and listening at this level every day, sooner or later you can know 3000 most important words in Chinese and you can be able to understand native speakers.
How to improve your Chinese with Chinese in Levels:
- Read two news articles every day.
- Read the news articles from the day before and check if you remember all new words.
- Listen to the news from today and read the text at the same time.
- Listen to the news from today without reading the text.
- Answer the question under today’s news and write the answer in the comments.