08-03-2023 15:00
如果你曾想过在天花板上跳舞是什么感觉,你可以在上海的一个完全倒立的房子里实际体验一下。...08-03-2023 07:00
周六,来自100多个国家的谈判代表就联合国保护公海的条约达成一致。...07-03-2023 15:00
澳大利亚警方公布了与美国当局联合行动的细节,以破获一个国际毒品团伙。...07-03-2023 07:00
希腊历史上最致命的铁路灾难发生后,发生了几天的抗议活动。...06-03-2023 15:00
希望从价值390亿美元的CHIPS法案中分得一杯羹的美国半导体公司将被要求分享超额利润,并解释他们计划如何为员工提供可负担的儿童保育。...06-03-2023 07:00
在5月6日查尔斯国王加冕之前,英国的加冕宝座正在进行改造。...03-03-2023 15:00
中国智能手机制造商Realme发布了一款智能手机,它说可以在短短9分钟内充满电。...03-03-2023 07:00
英国和欧盟已就《北爱尔兰议定书》的一系列修改达成一致。...02-03-2023 15:00
英国的通勤者经常使用火车,住在离火车站越近越好,这可以比喻为...02-03-2023 07:00
一年前,大卫-贝内特是第一个获得转基因猪心脏的人。该手术被认为是早期的成功,没有出现排斥反应;然而,贝内特的心脏却出现了肿胀和衰竭。他在手术后60天就去世了。...What is Level 3
Level 3 is for advanced students. It is not simple Chinese anymore as in Level 1 and Level 2. In this level, we use 3000 most important words in spoken Chinese. We write every word which is from a higher level in bold type. When you practise reading and listening at this level every day, sooner or later you can know 3000 most important words in Chinese and you can be able to understand native speakers.
How to improve your Chinese with Chinese in Levels:
- Read two news articles every day.
- Read the news articles from the day before and check if you remember all new words.
- Listen to the news from today and read the text at the same time.
- Listen to the news from today without reading the text.
- Answer the question under today’s news and write the answer in the comments.